Here you will find links to other pages of useful information for our members.
Members Benefits
Discounts - for York u3a members with local businesses | Riviera affinity scheme - which benefits our u3a, and so all members |
More about York u3a
Dates and AGM
Policies and Documents - York u3a policies, constitution and documents |
About Us - general background to the u3a |
Volunteering opportunities - why not get more involved in York u3a |
York u3a Trustees - profiles of the Trustees |
Board of trustee minutes |
Diary Dates 2024 - Dates for committee meetings, Saturday Talks, Newsmail |
Annual General Meeting - minutes and details of any upcoming AGM |
Wider u3a Organisation
Third Age Trust -Visit the National u3a site which includes many online courses |
YAHR – Regional activities for u3as in the Yorkshire and Humber Region |